First post of the year in the middle of the month let's gooo!
I've been using the internet regularly since…2006 maybe? I was 9 so I was definitely too young for MySpace or anything like that. I didn't even know that people used to make personal sites and stuff until 2 years ago! (Tbh my parents probably wouldn't have allowed me to do things like that/social media at that age. I'm glad they did, honestly.) You know the weird grey area between millennials and gen Z? Yeah that's where I belong.
Here are some things I do remember though:
- Flash games! This is probably the biggest one and basically all that I really used the internet for when I was younger. Disney, Nick, YTV, Teletoon and were my favourites but I also liked addictinggames and Y8 as well
- Old YouTube (like 2007-early 2010). I still miss it dearly and my weird sense of humour was definitely shaped by it and still reflects that now. I even attempted to make a couple AMVs back then (not of anime but of western cartoons lol)
- Virtual pet games. I briefly played Neopets for a few months but I didn't stick with it for long due to how hard it was to earn coins and buy things lol. I was much more of a Webkinz and Club Penguin player overall though (I even remember asking for a CP membership for Christmas!).
Tween...hood? (11-14)
- I did participate in some kid forums back in the day ( and this one tween magazine website that I can't remember the name of) I didn't really post much but would sometimes comment on other people's posts if I had something to say. So yeah, more or less how I am now
- Old emojis like :) :/ :P xD etc. I occasionally use them even now (especially ^_^ my favourite one) I still use modern emojis sometimes tho, if I'm too lazy to type out the other ones ^^; (And I absolutely had an xD phase in my early teens)
- Old memes such as lolcats and rage comics. Those were good times.
- Quizilla!! I loved making personality quizzes! Didn't write fanfic but read them occasionally.
- Idk if this is exactly considered “old web” but…old school tumblr. I joined Tumblr in 2011, the year I started grade 8 (and stayed there for 8 years! Crazy right?) and it was the first real experience I had with social media. I know Tumblr is an utter dumpster fire nowadays but it really helped me learn a lot about myself throughout high school and see people who were going through the same things as me
Anyways I really don't know how to end this post but it was really nice to look back on the stuff I liked to do online back then. God I'm old I remembered more than I thought though!